Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lynderella Connect The Dots Swatches and Review!

Good afternoon my fellow lacquered lovers!  Please forgive if I have some spotty posting lately or if my posts ramble a bit, I seem to have gotten a terrible cold!  Of course being sick means that I tend to try something super awesome on my nails to cheer myself up and today, I have something pretty amazing to show you!  But first, a small back story.

I received a surprise package from my long time friend Marissa a few weeks ago (you might remember her as the lovely lady who sent me all the Finger Paints Flakies).  Inside the package was the holy grail of glitter nail polish, Lynderella Connect The Dots.  For those of you who don't know, Lynderella is a master "franken" maker who recently started selling her polishes through Llarowe.  These polishes are very hard to get and while I've wanted it for a long time, I wasn't willing to jump through hoops to get it.  So you can imagine my surprise that Marissa got it for me and sent it as a gift!  I was speechless, which for me is quite a feat, so thanks again Marissa!  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above:  2 coats of Deborah Lippmann On The Beach with 1 coat of Lynderella Connect The Dots

The first manicure I did with Connect the Dots was over Deborah Lippmann On The Beach, a gorgeous bright blue creme.  Connect The Dots is black and white glitter in multiple sizes and shapes including hexagonal, circle, square and bar glitter.  It looks like splatter paint!  I love it!  Let's see what it looks like over another color:

Above:  2 coats of OPI Kiss Me on my Tulips with 1 coat Lynderella Connect The Dots on top

Now this should have been my first sign that I was getting sick when I chose a pink nail polish last night, but you gotta admit this combination is awesome!  I love how the black and white pop against the bright pink background!

All in all, Connect the Dots is amazing and I love it!  I'm so happy that I own this now thanks to the lovely Marissa and it's quickly becoming my favorite polish topper! 

What did you think of this polish?  What else would you like to see it layered over?


  1. It looks great on everything. :)

  2. OMG you are teasing me with the one polish I've been lemming-desperately!! CTD is on my Lynnderella "wish list."

  3. looks so good on you lovely lady!! I am so glad I was able to get it for you 8)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i want this polish SO bad (like 5 bottles, lol)! i'd really like to see it over orange & green (like Zoya Apple or Midori).

  6. Lucky you to have Connect The Dots.

  7. I never noticed the little tiny shimmer! I love this polish but am with you on the not wanting to jump through hoops thing :)

  8. I haven't seen this over blue before. I love it!

  9. I totally love the color, but am also not going to jump through the hoops required to get a Lynnderella. I say congrats to her though for coming up with such a fabulous line of polishes.

  10. Both color combos look great on you! I love the paint splattered effect Connect The Dots gives.


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