Monday, October 10, 2011

A-England Lady of the Lake

Good afternoon my fellow lacquered lovers! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! First thing is that I'm still working on the giveaway that closed on Friday and hope to have a winner up by tomorrow! Second, I'm doing something really fun and exciting tomorrow and I can't wait to share it all with you later this week, so if I don't get a chance to post anything other than the giveaway winner tomorrow, I apologize in advance.

So, now that the housekeeping is out of the way, today I am going to review a polish for you from a brand that's completely new to me! Yay I love finding new brands! A-England is a British brand that just recently began to be sold in the US. Today, I'm showing you what might be my favorite of theirs that I got to try! Now, without further ado, on to the nail polish!

Above: 2 coats of Lady of the Lake

First of all, let me say that I love that all the A-England polishes are named after references to King Arthur and Camelot! I'm such a sucker for the King Arthur stories. Lady of the Lake is a gorgeous deep purple filled with what looks like multi-colored micro glitter pieces. It's fully opaque in 2 coats and has a great formula that goes on incredibly smooth. But wait! Look what happens when they light hits it:

It's HOLOGRAPHIC! Oh my god! I was so freaking excited when I saw this! It definitely does not look like it would be as holographic as it is and it is just stunning! I couldn't get a picture in full sunlight but you can imagine how incredible it would be! Here is a macro shot:

Absolutely gorgeous! I also bought 2 more A-England polishes that will be reviewed soon but I was very impressed by this brand. I bought them from Llarowe which can be found HERE for $12 and she also carries some great brands like Glitter Gal and Ozotics!

What did you think of Lady of the Lake? Do you like the hidden holo? Have you tried any A-England?


  1. It's a gorgeous polish! I want it....

  2. very glittery love the designing

  3. This looks fantastic on you! Thanks so much for the review!! :)

  4. This polish is So amazing!

  5. Oh lawd these polishes are gorgeous!!!

  6. Oh heavenly, lookit that purply glitter! I bet it would look great with their No More Wait-y Katie lip gloss

  7. My heart dropped. This is gorgeous!!! The holo. Oh goodness!


  8. This is so pretty color! Perfect for Fall.

  9. This is the one i want the most from them. mmmm!!!

  10. I had no idea it was holo-I have passed on this brand and color-but may need to reconsider!

  11. One of these days when I have a bit more extra money I'm definitely gonna buy some of these polishes. Every swatch I see is amazing! And this color looks like it would be a favorite. Pretty!


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