Monday, July 30, 2012

piCture pOlish Blog Fest 2012 featuring Amethyst and White Wedding!

Good morning my fellow lacquered lovers!  Happy Monday!  Today, I have something to show you guys that I'm really excited about!  The awesome Australian brand piCture pOlish is having their annual "Blog Fest" today!  Almost 80 bloggers are participating around the world this year and I have the honor of being one of them!  Today I'll be showing you two nail polishes that were created in conjunction with some of the owners of websites that sell piCture pOlish!  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above:  2 coats of Amethyst

Above:  2 coats of Amethyst with Flash

According to piCture pOlish's website, this shade is "Amethyst was created with Susan of Star Trinkets, is exclusive to Star Trinkets & piCture pOlish and forms part of our Collaboration collection. When we asked Susan about her shade she said 'how about purple denim' so that is what has been fashioned! A stunningly beautiful blend of textures and glitters so really what more could a girl ask for? Well according to past history people believed amethyst crystals guarded against getting drunk so perhaps keeping a bottle in your handbag is a good thing!"   

I love the description!  This is such a complex shade!  I love the purple base and the crystal like flakes in it!  And, it only took two coats to be opaque!  I love how texturized it looks and how much depth this shade has!  And I really like that it's not quite dark enough to be a royal purple but it is dark enough to be worn in every season!  The application was fantastic, easy to apply and no dragging!

Above:  3 coats of White Wedding

Above:  3 coats of White Wedding with Flash

White Wedding, according to piCture pOlish's website "White Wedding was created with Leah Ann from Llarowe, is exclusive to Llarowe & piCture pOlish and forms part of our Collaboration collection. Does Leah Ann fancy rockers from the eighties? She asked for a 'platinum white with rainbows' and then advised it would be called White Wedding. White Wedding is not a holo, not a multi chromatic and not a glitter. It has a mystery effect that is just magical (you will not see it in our photo) so you really need to see White Wedding in person!"

So let me apologize that I could NOT get this to photograph in all it's beauty!  White Wedding is full of multicolored half glitter/half flakie pieces.  They almost look like they are all different shades of clear pastel glitter if that makes sense!  This is a whole new take on white nail polish and I have to say, it is absolutely stunning in person!  The shimmer/glitter/flakie give it such a unique texture and depth so it's not just stark white and it has an almost jelly like quality.  The polish took three coats to be opaque but I cannot wait to experiment with layering it over other colors!  Honestly, this is one you really have to see in person to appreciate it's beauty but it's fantastic!

All in all, I LOVED these polishes!  I seriously need to add more piCture pOlish to my collection (google swatches of the new shades Demeter and Kryptonite, I'm in love.)  Each of the polishes in the new collection will be available on piCture pOlishes website HERE and at the individual seller's website for that polish so you can buy White Wedding HERE and Amethyst HERE.  Also check out piCture pOlish on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!  a HUGE thank you to the ladies of piCture pOlish for letting me participate in this awesome event!

What do you think of these polishes?  Any must haves?  Any dupes?

The products in this post were sent to me for my unbiased review. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.


  1. LOVING Amethyst! Just beautiful on you =]!

  2. Amethyst is so pretty! <3 love your pics!

  3. Amethyst is amazing, but I love both, with white wedding we finally have an "interesting" white! ;-)

    1. I really wish there was a way to capture all the beautiful aspects of White Wedding because it is stunning!

  4. So so pretty... I adore White Wedding and though I did not receive it for Blog Fest, I will be purchasing this beauty! :)

  5. I'm glad you like Amethyst! Thank you for your beautiful swatch!


Thanks for reading and commenting Lacquered Lovers! I love hearing from my readers! If you'd like me to check out your blog, feel free to email me! Any comments with links to posts will be deleted but I'm happy to answer any emails!


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