Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lacquered Lover at Cosmoprof featuring ncLA!

Good afternoon my fellow lacquered lovers!  Happy Thursday!  I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far and enjoying my pictures from my trip to Cosmoprof!  I'm going to work on some swatches tonight but for now, I hope you like hearing about what all these fabulous brands have coming up!  Today I'm going to show you one of my favorite new brands, ncLA.  You might have seen me review their Summer of '69 nail polishes which I loved and one set of their nail wraps which were fabulous!  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above are the colors currently in ncLA's collection!  I love how neat they all look lined up in a row like this!  I love that they have an array of colors and finishes from pastels to brights to darks to shimmers to cremes to glitter!  For a newer brand they really have a great core collection!

Above are some of the new Fall and Holiday polishes by ncLA!  Shimmers, glitters, they look fabulous!  There are a couple of other colors as well that in all my excitement I forgot to take pictures of but as soon as the lovely Elin from ncLA send me more information on them I will update you all!

Last but not least here aer a selection of some of ncLA's really cool Nail Wraps!  These are so unique (you've seen me wear one set and I have many more I can't wait to try!) and the bottom left two that say Special Edition are a newer, more thin formula!  I can't wait until these come out!

All in all, I'm really impressed by what ncLA has in the works!  I can't wait to try out some more of their unique nail wraps and some of their upcoming shades!

Let me know what you think!


  1. I just got my first ncLA nail wraps in my Little Black Bag and am really excited to try them out! I was hoping someone would trade another item for one of their polishes but those seemed to be hot items! Maybe next month :)

  2. I have 2 glitters and a nail wrap set from them that I still haven't tried. Got them in my LBB also!

    1. Give them a try! I love their glitters and the nail wraps are so fun!

  3. NCLA is so cool but I still need to try their awesome polishes!


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