Monday, January 16, 2012

Layering Day 1 - Hyper by Gareth Pugh for MAC and Finger Paints Asylum Matte!

Good morning my fellow lacquered lovers!  Just a quick post this morning before a full on review this afternoon but I couldn't wait to show you this!  As some of you know, I had a little poll on the right side of the blog last week on what you ladies would love to see the most and layering won!  So this week I will be showing you some fun layering combinations!  After my obsession with flakies last week, of course the first combination includes some of my favorite things, blue nail polish, flakies and matte top coat!  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above:  2 coats of Hyper

First I wanted to show you what a beauty Hyper is!  I saw Hyper came out as a limited edition collaboration between designer Gareth Pugh and MAC at the end of 2011 and had to get it!  First of all, the bottle is amazing!  I love the shape!  This polish looked like it would be a blue to purple duochrome in the bottle and in the press shots so I was slightly disappointed when that didn't happen, but it's still a stunning blue!  And practically a one coater!  I did a second for good measure here but honestly, it didn't need it!

Since I always like to add some flair to my manicures, I then decided to add one coat of Finger Paints Twisted on top of Hyper!  Then I used Essie Matte About You to make all nails except the ring finger matte.  There is something about matte flakies that I just love.  It almost looks three dimensional but then it looks flat!  And since Twisted has so many colors in it, I just am obsessed with this look!

What did you think of this layering?  Are you a fan of matte flakies or do you prefer shiny?


  1. It looks good as a layered look but I honestly don't like Hyper much. It just seems so dupeable and wasn't it more expensive than what MAC polishes usually are? I think that is why I didn't get any.

  2. awesome layering! I love matte flakies! it's the best!

  3. I never thought about doing matte flakies but they look great!


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