Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ManGlaze Santorum Swatches and Review!

Good morning my fellow lacquered lovers!  I took a quick day off from blogging yesterday, but not to worry, I will more than make it up to you today!  First up today we have one of the newest polishes by those crazy rascals over at ManGlaze called Santorum.  Let's call this a "political polish" for those who lean towards the left and want to make a statement about their views on their nails.

Now, for those of you who don't live in the United States, or those of you who do but don't follow politics, I will try to put this as gently as I can.  Rick Santorum is currently running for President.  He is an ultra, ultra conservative who opposes gay marriage.  He also seems to have a fondness for sweater vests.  A writer named Dan Savage coined the term "Santorum" to mean something that's pretty inappropriate (and funny depending on where your politics fall) and ManGlaze, being the type of company that they are, named a polish after it.  Now, if you decide to google what it means, remember that I warned you that you might find it gross, funny, fitting, inappropriate or offensive depending on your sense of humor, and that's all I'm going to say about that.  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

 Above:  1 coat of ManGlaze Santorum
Above:  Macro Shot of Santorum

Ah Santorum.  A lovely deep brown matte that has some copper and red shimmer to it.  It's just gorgeous!  And a one coater!  I love one coat polishes!  The application on this was usual for ManGlaze, absolutely flawless.  Do you see how gorgeous that shimmer is?  I love this color!  Any time a matte has shimmer in it, it just looks stunning on the nail!  Now let's take a look with a coat of top coat:

Ah I love how it comes alive under a top coat!  Unfortunately my camera decided not to capture just how shimmery it was and I was too tired the last few days to notice but trust me, it's stunning!

Santorum is available on ManGlaze's FaceBook Page or on their Amazon page for $13.13 however you get 10% off with the code OCCUPYME. 

What do you all think of Santorum?  Must have or will you skip it?  Any dupes?


  1. I don't know of any dupes for this. I must have it. Not only cause it is quite attractive but also because I know EXACTLY what the name is all about and I adore ManGlaze even more now.

    Whoever came up with this is getting a marriage proposal from me.

    1. Haha I saw your marriage proposal on Facebook to them, too funny!

  2. Love it! As soon as I heard about this polish I wanted it just for the name but now that I've seen it I want it even more! Awesome name and concept; lovely swatches!

    1. I know, when I saw the name I just about died and had to get it! Thanks!

  3. Love it! As soon as I heard about this polish I wanted it just for the name but now that I've seen it I want it even more! Awesome name and concept; lovely swatches!

  4. Love it! As soon as I heard about this polish I wanted it just for the name but now that I've seen it I want it even more! Awesome name and concept; lovely swatches!

  5. Great Post, Carly! I love Santorum (the polish, not the politician..lol)

    1. Thank you! Isn't it hilarious that we have to distinguish between the politician and the polish? I'm hoping it becomes a collectors item if/when he drops out of the race!

  6. Ordered it...politics aside it is a gorgeous brown and I intend to experiment with stamping in gold on top of it.

    1. Gold stamping on top would be stunning! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  7. So pretty. The design of the bottle+ label is pretty cool as well

  8. This really is a great color. I personally find the name gross, funny, fitting, inappropriate AND offensive...but mainly funny. They are very creative with their names, I will give them that much lol.

  9. googled santorum...I lol'd :p

    but the polish is sucha a lovely colour, that i'd put up with having THAT meaning paired with the name of the polish :)

  10. Haha it is pretty hilarious! I refuse to explain it to anyone who asks, I just tell them to google it!

  11. I get it now.... As a Metallica fan in uk I thought it was a play on their song with a misspell, not named after someone....

  12. I have this, it is OUTSTANDING! And, since I think Rick Santorum represents everything that is wrong with my GOP and politics in genera, I'm happy to accept Dan Savage's definition of "santorum" and to note the resemblance of this color to the vile substance that Savage named..

    Awesome blog BTW... I'll come here often!


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