Thursday, January 19, 2012

Layering Day 3 - Featuring a Jelly Sandwich Guest Post from Sarah at Chalkboard Nails!

Good morning my fellow Lacquered Lovers!  I have such a great treat for you guys today!  One of my favorite bloggers, the lovely Sarah of Chalkboard Nails, wrote a guest post for Layering Week!  I was so in love with my CND mood manicure from yesterday that I couldn't stand the thought of having to take it off yet, so luckily Sarah said she'd write a guest post!  And, best of all, it's a guest post on a topic I've never done before, a jelly sandwich manicure!  So now, without further ado, on to the polish!


Hello Lacquered Lovers, as Carly might say! :)

I thought I'd share a jelly sandwich with you today. Are you familiar with this type of manicure? It's where you take a jelly polish and sandwich it around glitter or flakies so that the pieces look buried in the jelly polish. The jelly is sheer, so you can still see all of the fanciness underneath the top layer! I've done this style of manicure a couple times before, and I absolutely love the look. I thought it would fit in great with Carly's Layering Week!

I started out with three coats of OPI Y'all Come Back Ya Hear?. It is an orange "sorbet" polish, which is basically just OPI's name for their jelly finishes. Three coats seems like a lot, but jelly polishes go on so smoothly and nicely that it didn't feel thick at all.

Then, I added on a layer of OPI Rainbow Connection. Can you believe that I've had this glitter since the Muppets Collection came out but I haven't used it until now? Shame on me! It applied like a dream, unlike many other glitter polishes I know…

For my final layering step, I added on one single layer of OPI Do You Think I'm Tex-y?, which is a beautiful beet colored "sorbet" finish polish. I was hoping that putting the orange underneath it would change the color of the final look, and I think it did a little bit, but not as much as I was expecting.

What do you think? I love how the silver glitter all turned pink underneath the top layer of jelly.

Thanks for having me stop by, Carly, and I hope all of you Lovers enjoyed it!


So there you guys have it!  A gorgeous jelly sandwich!  I was never that into the idea of a jelly sandwich manicure but these pictures are making me want to try it out!  It just looks so squishy and colorful and fun!  Thanks again Sarah for doing a guest post and everyone make sure you check out her blog at Chalkboard Nails!


  1. This looks awesome!! I love jelly sandwiches!

  2. I love Jelly Sandwiching - or sheers used in sandwiching. Good way to use those glitters that don't spread well as toppers like most of the Muppets glitters - very underwhelmed about all of them!


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