Thursday, January 12, 2012

Finger Paints Special Effects Collection Swatches and Review!

Good morning my fellow lacquered lovers!  As many of you know, I am in love with flakie nail polish top coats.  I love them!  I love how they can change any manicure and give it an entirely new look! 

Now Finger Paints is a brand I have never tried before because I don't have easy access to a Sally's Beauty Store.  However, my fabulous friend Marissa (who I've known since we were 10 and went to sleepaway camp together) recently rekindled our friendship over a love of nail polish and she sent me an awesome package that included these beauties!  (Hi Marissa!  Thanks again!!!)  I was super excited to try these amazing new flakies so be prepared for a lot of pictures below!  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above:  1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism topped with 1 coat of Twisted

Twisted is definitely the flakie effect that has the most colors and I love it!  I can see blue, pink, red, green, gold and copper and I'm sure there are more!  I love that the flakies are different colors and different sizes because it really gives the manicure a three dimensional look that's fabulous!  This kind of reminds me of Nfu-Oh 60 but in a clear base but regardless, I can't wait to try this over basically every dark color I own!

Above:  1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism topped with 1 coat of Flecked

Flecked is a gorgeous green and blue flakie combination reminiscent of Zoya Opal and Maisie but in a clear base!  I love blues and greens so put them together with flakies and I'm a happy girl!  Once again, the different sized flakies give this an awesome look that I just adore!

Above:  1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism topped with 1 coat of Flashy

Flashy is a red and copper flakie that has flashes of green!  You can see the green flash the strongest in the top picture here.  It seems to me that Flashy didn't have as many large flakes as some of the others in this collection but it's still gorgeous!

Above:  1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism topped with 1 coat of Asylum

Asylum is a flakie with red, blue and a bit of gold.  Asylum is definitely much more sparse and has much smaller flakes than the rest of the collection, so if you want a more subtle look that stays within its colors and doesn't have the color shift, then this is the best one for you!  I personally like a bit more "bling" when it comes to flakies but I think 2 or 3 coats of this would help the sparseness and really be pretty!

Above:  1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism topped with 1 coat of Motley

Last but certainly not least is Motley, a gorgeous dark blue, royal blue, turquoise and green flakie.  Like Asylum, Motley is more sparsely flaked and has smaller pieces but it's such a pretty color combination!  It almost looks like the ocean to me!  I'm always a sucker for blue and I just love Motley!

Now, being a crazy nail polish fanatic, I had to see how it would look if I did one coat of EACH of the 5 flakies over black!  What you see above is the final product!  I kind of love it!  It's intense and bright and colorful and just all around amazing!  I highly recommend this if you have all five!

So there you have it, 5 gorgeous new flakies from Finger Paints.  I will also say that Finger Paints Black Expressionism is an amazing one coat black polish that might be my new favorite black creme!  All in all, I love these flakie top coats, I just can't get enough of them!

What do you think of this collection?  Any must haves?  What other combinations would you like to see?


  1. Thanks for all the swatches! I love flakies:) I especially love layering them all together like you have!

  2. Lovely! I scooped these all up the first time I saw them. :)

  3. I was lucky that I had an 'in' with the 3 clerks at the Sally's that is right across the street from a place I stay when I go see my MD way out of town. I heard these were coming and knew I would never get to a store when they hit the shelves and pick em all up. For the price it seemed worthy of a try and not pay what I already was seeing them come in at on eBay per bottle or for a collection of all 5. I ended up getting 2 full sets and whatever other few bottles they had that did not make up another full set of all 5. I knew they would be great little gifts that friends would love to have and might have heard of these but found they could not get them. However something tells me we will see these various shades of iridescent flakies coming to us from the likes of Sally Hanson probably this year and on down the list of other brands found in drug stores. They are not hard to make and mylar flake is super cheap - it's not expensive to make like a good fleck is or some of the amazing linear holos, or the well done multi-chromes. All those are more costly to produce. So for those who did not end up with a full set of Finger Paints - never fear - I feel it in my bones like I said above there are other companies right around the corner that are going to come out with really similar things!

  4. I love the layered look! I ended up only buying Twisted and Asylum, but I think I'll go back today and see if they have Motley as well~

  5. Wauw beautiful nail polish...
    Were can you buy this polish?
    Would you send me a comment on my blog with the answer?



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