Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SoFlaJo Call Forth Dragons Swatch and Review!

Good afternoon my fellow lacquered lovers!  Today, I have a gorgeous color changing top coat from the amazing SoFlaJo!  She recently released the Year of the Dragon Collection which is EIGHT different sparkling top coats!  How fun!  She sent me Call Forth Dragons, which as she describes on her site as "Silver glitter and depending on your base coat, shifts from light purple to silver to blue/green."  So now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above:  1 coat Finger Paints Black Expressionism with 1 coat of Call Forth Dragons on top

I started with 1 coat of my favorite new black, Finger Paints Expressionism which is just a pure black creme and then did one coat of Call Forth Dragons on top.  It's amazing!  Look at all that purple and silver and icy blue that comes out!  Especially in the macro shot you can see the purple, it's amazing!  I love colors that can be layered to completely change a polish and Call Forth Dragons is definitely that!  I can't wait to try it over other colors and see the effects that it has!

Call For Dragons and the other 7 color changing top coats are available at SoFlaJo's website found HERE for $5 per bottle!  I want to get the rest to try them out and see the color shifts!

What do you think of this polish?  Are you a fan of layering polishes like I am?


Thanks for reading and commenting Lacquered Lovers! I love hearing from my readers! If you'd like me to check out your blog, feel free to email me! Any comments with links to posts will be deleted but I'm happy to answer any emails!


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