Friday, February 3, 2012

Fun Friday Part 1 Featuring Eliana Attitude and Nerd Lacquer Nebula!

Good afternoon my fellow lacquered lovers!  I have two fun Friday posts for you today!  And continuing in the theme of the day, both are red for Go Red For Women day!  Also some fun information for you, in order to help get the word out about Go Red For Women, both the Empire State Building in NYC and the White House will be lit in red this year!  Thanks to my Aunt for the information!  (Hi Aunt Abbe!)  I will try to snap a picture of the Empire State Building tonight on my walk home from work and post it up for you guys to see on my FaceBook page later!  Now, without further ado, on to the polish!

Above:  1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism and 1 coat of Elana Attitude

So I am involved in a lovely swap with my Brazilian friend and Elana Attitude is one of the polishes she sent me!  I love it!  I put a coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism underneath because it's a bit sheer but Attitude is GORGEOUS!  A true vampy shimmery red.  I just love it!  It's so rich looking!  However I have a bunch of new polishes I've been wanting to try so I decided to add one of my new Nerd Lacquer polishes on top! 

above:  1 coat of Nebula

So I added a coat of Nerd Lacquer Nebula and wow!  This polish is amazing!  It's a red/purpley jelly base that is packed with multi colored and multi sized glitter.  I see blue, pink, fuchsia, silver, red, light purple, it's just amazing!  I love how sparkly it was!  Plus the day I wore this people kept asking what it was!  I highly recommend it!

So there you have it, another red manicure for today.  I really enjoyed this one!  Nerd Lacquer is available on Etsy and Harlowe & Co. and they are great!  They all have "geeky" names and glitter galore!  Go check them out!  I have a bunch of them so stay tuned in the future for more swatches!

What did you think of this manicure?  Are you wearing red today?


Thanks for reading and commenting Lacquered Lovers! I love hearing from my readers! If you'd like me to check out your blog, feel free to email me! Any comments with links to posts will be deleted but I'm happy to answer any emails!


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